
Although books are a part of my life since long, although I studied many years at institutions in Europe and Asia, life as such was definitively my best teacher. If I try to summarise the different life phases with one term, then I was definitively a seeker: A seeker on its search for limits, on its exploration of the elementary questions of existence, an explorer on its quest for happiness. After an episode in the business world as an economist, followed an episode in the academic world. But none of these episodes brought me what I was looking for.

Happiness can’t be achieved by accumulating more and more money, power, status or knowledge. Happiness can't be achieved at all, because its already there. If we stop running and become more mindful, we can touch it and appreciate it here and now. I know that I don't know, because there is no answer to the fundamental questions of our existence and there never will be. It is beyond our reach, our existence remains a mystery and that is perfect so.

I see philosophy not primarily as profession, but rather as an inspiration for a good life. Hence I studied philosophy because I wanted to walk on the way. Walking on my way, Western philosophy could give me some ideas what happiness could be and what shape the good life could have, but not so much how I could transform myself towards that kind of life. Hence I decided to transcend the borders of western thought. Beyond these borders it was in particular Buddhist philosophy and the practice of meditation that brought me a step further on my way.

May you find some inspiration in the tubes, texts and books shared on this website!

Philosophical Curriculum

PhD, Buddhist Philosophy **
International Buddhist College (Thailand)
Buddhist (Self)Therapy: Transformation of Mind

Master of Arts, Western Philosophy
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Focus: Western Philosophers and Buddhism

Philosophical Practice “Vipassati”
Thun/Berne (Switzerland)
Philosophical dialogues and classes

Master of Arts, Buddhist Philosophy
International Buddhist College (Thailand)
Focus: Early Buddhism, Chan/Zen Buddhism

Study of Tibetan Buddhism
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (India)
Focus: Tibetan Buddhism, Meditation

Bachelor of Arts, Western Philosophy
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Focus: Ancient Philosophy, Ethics & Political Philosophy

** Not completed

Philosophical Texts

Bruno Steiger Philosopher