Meister Eckhart was an influential Thuringian theologian and philosopher of the late Middle Ages. As a youth, Eckhart joined the Dominican order, in which he later attained high office. He is often characterized as a mystic, but in research the appropriateness of this designation is disputed. With his sermons he not only achieved a strong effect on his contemporaries, but also impressed posterity. His main concern was the dissemination of principles for a consistently spiritual practice in everyday life.

Meister Eckhart's teaching revolves around two poles: God and the human soul. He wants to enlighten his listeners or readers about the nature of the soul and (as far as possible) about God and to teach them about how God and soul relate to each other. Thereby the practical relevance of his explanations plays a central role for him. The listener or reader should be guided to arrive at the insights described by Eckhart on the basis of his own experience of himself and of God.


Meister Eckhart (1260–1328) was a German theologian, philosopher, and mystic, known for his profound insights into spirituality and Christian mysticism. Born in Thuringia, Germany, he joined the Dominican Order and became a prominent preacher and scholar.

Eckhart's teachings emphasized the union of the individual soul with the divine and the experience of direct communion with God. He explored the concept of "detachment," urging believers to transcend attachments to worldly desires and concepts in order to attain a deeper connection with the divine.

His writings and sermons, often delivered in German vernacular rather than Latin, contributed to a broader accessibility of spiritual teachings. Eckhart's emphasis on the inner journey and personal transformation resonated with individuals seeking a more profound understanding of their faith.

Eckhart's mystical insights and philosophical explorations sometimes brought him into conflict with church authorities. Some of his teachings were controversial and were subject to ecclesiastical censure.

Despite challenges, Eckhart's legacy endured through his writings, which have continued to inspire theologians, philosophers, and seekers of spiritual truth. His ideas on the relationship between the individual soul and the divine essence have left a lasting impact on Christian mysticism and the broader understanding of the human experience in relation to the divine.

Meister Eckhart Texts, Tubes & Books

Master Hui-Neng

Meister Eckhart and Master Hui-Neng: Paths to Peace of Mind

The highest goal is for Eckhart and Hui-Neng a state of highest bliss. In both cases, this is a breakthrough in which consciousness is fundamentally changed. If one considers these elementary parallels, one can only come to one conclusion: Eckhart and Hui-Neng have independently arrived at an extremely similar solution to the human problem: seclusion and non-attachment as the path to peace of mind.